Some messages aren't appearing on my smartphone
If messages are not appearing on your BlackBerry smartphone, try one of the following:
• Make sure your message list hasn't exceeded 65,000 messages, including email, PIN, and text messages. When the
message list exceeds this limit, the oldest messages are deleted unless they have been saved. Saved messages are not
• Check your email reconcillation options. In Messages > Options > Email Reconcilliation if the Delete On option is set to
Mailbox & Handheld, email messages that are deleted on your computer are also deleted from your smartphone.
• If the email account is associated with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, check the date of the email messsage that isn't
appearing on your smartphone. Your administrator has the option to turn off the email prepopulation feature, so that
only email messages arriving after the account was set up will appear on your smartphone.