About the key store
The key store on your BlackBerry smartphone might store the following items:
• Personal certificates or PGP keys (public and private key pairs)
• Certificates that you download using a certification authority profile or the BlackBerry Desktop Software
• Root certificates that are included in the BlackBerry Desktop Software
• Certificates that you download from an LDAP-enabled server or DSML-enabled server
• PGP public keys that you download from an LDAP-enabled server
• Certificates or PGP public keys that you import from your smartphone or a media card
• Certificates or PGP public keys that you add from a message
To access items in the key store, you must enter a key store password. If you exceed the number of allowed password
attempts, all your smartphone data is deleted.
Research In Motion recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer, especially before you
update any software. Maintaining a current backup file on your computer might allow you to recover smartphone data if
your smartphone is lost, stolen, or corrupted by an unforeseen issue.
User Guide